Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to prevent bleeding gums

Oral Health

By maintaining general oral health, gum bleeding can be minimized. Some tips include:
  • Annual oral exams and teeth cleaning by a certified dentist.
  • Establishing a habit of correct flossing and brushing, at least twice a day
  • Flossing and properly brushing after each meal.
  • Drinking water after meals.
  • Stop smoking and decrease or eliminate usage of any tobacco products.


Certain diets and food intake may also help minimize the chances of bleeding gums:
  • Vitamin C: cures scurvy, which can cause abnormal gum bleeding. Excellent sources include citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.
  • Vitamin K: has coagulation properties and can help ward off gum bleeding. Excellent sources include bananas, spinach, and Swiss chard.
  • Water: drinking after meals can help wash food remnants from the teeth and gum so bacteria-causing plaque is less likely to form. It is important to note that juices and sodas may not have the same effect, as they contain sugars that can detriment oral health.
  • Fibrous fruits and vegetables: due to the high fiber content, these food products give an "exfoliation" effect that moves debris from teeth and gum surfaces similar to the effects of a toothbrush. Examples of such foods include strawberries, apples, and celery. It is important to note, however, that fibrous fruits and vegetables cannot replace teeth brushing and flossing.
Bleeding gums can indicate more than just a problem with your oral hygiene habits. If left unchecked, poor dental health can lead to serious complications with your health, especially heart problems.

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