Friday, September 28, 2012

What Do Bleeding Gums Mean And How To Fix It

Abnormal bleeding from your gums may indicate a wide range of possible health risks and illnesses. While bleeding gums aren't always an indication for a possible health risk, such as gum bleeding from ill-fitting dentures, it is still important to see a dentist so he or she can run the proper tests and rule out other health conditions that can become serious if left undiagnosed.

Possible Health Risks

The most common indicator of bleeding gums is plaque buildup along the gum line, usually due to improper oral care. Two common forms of gum disease that are indicated by bleeding gums are:
  • Gingivitis: caused by excessive plaque buildup, other symptoms may include swollen, tender gums. If left untreated, gingivitis will turn into periodontitis, a destructive form of gum disease.
  • Periodontitis: often accompanied by other symptoms, such as bad breath and gum recession. If left untreated, the teeth may loosen and fall out.
Since periodontitis is inflammatory in nature, studies have also shown that serious cases may increase the risks of other health conditions, such as:
  • Heart attack: fatal disease characterized as the death of heart cells due to interrupted blood flow to the heart.
  • Stroke: caused by plaques that block off blood flow to the brain, can be debilitating and life threatening.
  • Atherosclerosis: known as the hardening of the arteries, can be the precursor to heart attacks and strokes.
  • Erectile dysfunction: inability to maintain an erection for sexual intercourse.
It is also important to note that bleeding gums can indicate other non-oral related health issues, such as:
  • Diabetes: this is a metabolic disease that indicates problems in blood sugar levels and insulin production/absorption. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious health problems.
  • Leukemia: a form of cancer in the blood or bone marrow that is signified by a lack of clotting agents. Thus, bleeding gums may indicate its presence.
  • Malnutrition: gum bleeding can indicate an insufficient intake of nutrients, and can be corrected by implementing a healthy diet.
  • Vitamin C deficiency: also known as scurvy, symptoms include lethargy, shortness of breath and bone pain.
  • Vitamin K deficiency: since vitamin K is important in blood coagulation, too little of this vitamin may lead to abnormal gum bleeding.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Dental bonding is used for a couple of different purposes including structural and cosmetic work. With bonding, you can fix your broken teeth, fill the gaps between your teeth and even reshape and recolor them, all to achieve a perfect smile which is becoming ever more popular these days.

Bonding is basically a composite resin filling that is placed both on the back teeth and the front teeth. These composites will restore decaying teeth and will also improve the cosmetic look and the color of your teeth. To put it in a nutshell, bonding is more or less the same as the sculptors clay that the dentist will use to fix most of the aesthetic issues with your teeth.

Normally these composites have a life of about seven to ten years if they have been put properly and if proper care has been taken of them. The way bonding is applied is that the dentist will apply an etching solution to your teeth that will create very small crevices in the tooth’s enamel structure. Since the surface of the tooth will become slightly rough, so it enables the durable resin to bond materials with your teeth. This resin is placed on your teeth and with the usage of high intensity light these are cured quickly within a couple of minutes. In the end the bonded material is polished and sculpted to fit your tooth properly. This resin can come in many colors but the dentist will mostly use the one that matches the closest with your balance teeth.

Basically bonding can be done to cover small cavities and fillings and at the same time they can be used to repair cracked or chipped teeth. They are extremely versitile in their applications, and depending on your need, they can be used in many ways. A typical candidate for this procedure will have chipped or cracked teeth or even gap between their teeth. Since the bonding material is porous so they will turn yellow if you smoke. 

Before choosing bonding, it is recommended to consult your dentist about the proper application that will suit your teeth.

Need to Know
Bonding is a process used to restore the appearance of cracked or decaying teeth.  The procedure lasts up to ten years, but requires proper care of the teeth.  Due to the porous material used in bonding, it may not be recommended for smokers.

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Dental Procedures

Like all the other industries these days, the field of dentistry is also constantly evolving and newer and newer procedures and techniques are introduced expanding the overall horizon of this field.

One of the hottest new procedures these days that is gaining a lot of popularity is smile makeovers. If you have misshapen teeth that you always try to hide when smiling, then you have a cure and a treatment out there now. Nowadays cosmetic dentists across the country are changing smiles with cosmetic dental treatments. Porcelain veneers have also gained a lot of popularity over the years. There are a lot of different types of porcelains in the market but the veneer that is now becoming very common is Lumineers by Cerinate. These can be applied to the patient without modifying the tooth structure because they can be made as thin as contact lens. The advantage with this procedure is that it is easily reversible because the tooth structures have not been modified. The one issue with these veneers which has come up is that in most cases people with very straight teeth normally qualify to get these. If the teeth are not very straight then the tooth structure might have to be removed to get a good and a natural fit. Although since Lumineers are still quite new in the market so only time will tell how well they perform over the years but for now they sure are a very quick remedy for all the customer that might be unhappy with their smiles.

This does not really mean that these are any better that traditional porcelain veneers because from an aesthetic point the traditional ones have always given much better results.

Another new dental procedure is again aesthetic related and it is Zoom II whitening system. It is much more effective than its previous system, Zoom. Zoom II is now offered by a lot of dentists across the country as part of the professional whitening system. Zoom II is considered to be less sensitive and at the same time give much quicker results.

Need to Know
Take advantage of the evolving technology offered today and use the newest procedures and treatments that are becoming very popular such as Porcelain Veneers, Lumineers, Zoom II whitening system. These treatments can be done at most dentist offices and dental specialists. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dental Hygiene Care

Going to a dentist, even for a routine cleaning, isn’t something we look forward too. Most of us associate dental visits with pain, or at least a lecture from the dental hygienist on regular flossing. But regular flossing, good dental care and regular checkups will reduce the need for more painful dental visits.

One of the first steps to good dental hygiene is to choose the appropriate toothpaste for your situation. There are toothpastes developed to make kids brush longer and others to help those with sensitive teeth. Most toothpaste on the market has fluoride and calcium to help clean and strengthen your teeth.

A good tooth brush is another essential part of good dental health. You should purchase a brush that fits your mouth and has the appropriate bristle firmness for your gums. But it is also important that you change your brush regularly. Dentist recommend changing your brush every other month. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, once when you get up and then before going to bed at night.

Using a good mouthwash is also important to your dental care. You should rinse after you brush and not eat anything for thirty minutes after that. This will allow the mouthwash to kill any germs or bacteria in your mouth. Using mouthwash before going to bed can also help reduce “morning breath” and allow you to wake with your mouth feeling and smelling fresher.

The dental hygienist is right. We should floss after every meal to help remove any food particles stuck between the teeth. Infection and gum disease can result from poor flossing habits, which is a shame because flossing is an inexpensive and easy step to good dental health.

Seeing your dentist on regular basis is also an essential part of good dental hygiene. Not only will your dentist clean your teeth for you but they will also examine your teeth and identify any infection that might be present. Prevention is always better than cure so see your dentist at least once every six months for a routine checkup.

Need to Know
Replacing your toothbrush every two months, using a good toothpaste, daily dental flossing, daily fluoride mouth wash, and visiting the dentist twice a year are the best steps for a dental hygiene care. 

Monday, September 10, 2012


A lot of people are becoming increasingly conscious about their looks these days. You can have a crooked smile, chipped tooth, gap between your teeth or for that matter any other minor issue with your teeth. All of these will stand out when you smile or look at yourself in the mirror. The good thing is that there are also very easy remedies for most of these issues.

The main purpose of tooth contouring is to reshape and change the size of the teeth that are slightly damaged or are maybe not aligned with the other teeth. It is a cosmetic procedure but it also has a lot of oral health benefits also. With teeth properly aligned, they not only makes for a better smile, but theyalso becomes easier to clean, reducing the risk of infections. The dentist will always decide whether you are the right candidate for the contouring process by examining your teeth and possibly taking xrays. Normally the dentist will contour and reshape your teeth in a single visit. By using a polishing instrument, the dentist will remove the surface enamel of the tooth that needs repairing and contour them.This will be followed by polishing of all the surrounding teeth thereby resulting in an even look. The problematic tooth is also polished and reshaped to give it a better look. The edges of the fixed and newly created tooth are also polished and made smooth.

After the procedure the patient might feel mild sensitivity to hot and cold but this is normally gone within a day or so. With tooth contouring, your teeth will get a permanent new look and make you smile much better than before. Ideally it is a suitable procedure for people who might have very minor imperfections in their teeth like, chipped teeth, very little unevenness or slight overlaps. However if the problem is deeper than the ones that can be fixed with contouring, the dentist will then recommend an alternate treatment plan. Depending on the doctor and your need, contouring might also be combined with procedures like bleaching, crowns or veneers to get the best results.

Need to Know
Among cosmetic dentistry treatments contouring is best known for reshaping and correct chipped teeth for a better smile.  Your dentist can examine your teeth to determine if this will be an effective treatment for you.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Dental Care Products

The market today is flooded with dental care products. You can go to any grocery store, supermarket or drug store and you will find an entire section devoted to different dental care products.

 Toothpaste tops the list of all dental care products. Of course, we know that dentist recommend brushing our teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and again before bed at night. Many different types of toothpastes are available and the ones which are the most popular are fluoride based. Fluoride is supposed to not only make your teeth stronger but also help protect against infection. There are also various types of toothpastes targeted for children, smokers, and others. If you have sensitive teeth, you can find a variety of toothpastes to help combat the problem. Your dentist will probably recommend that you brush with one of these after every meal.

Dental floss is another very important dental care product. All dentists recommend that we use dental floss after each meal to remove any food residue stuck between the teeth. Not doing so can result infection and tooth decay over time. But these days, reluctant flossers can find various products to make flossing easier, including floss threaders which can be used for flossing under dental appliances and single use floss picks .

Today there is an overabundance of tooth whitening products available on the market, from toothpastes to gels to rinses. Whiter teeth suggest youth and health so teeth-whitening products are extremely popular. Most will work to whiten the teeth to some degree, but overuse of these products can give the teeth an unnatural appearance.

Many different types of tooth brushes are also available in the market. Each one of these is designed differently with brush heads of different strengths. They will target your gums, space between your teeth or anything else depending on the type of brush you buy. There are even toothbrushes with timers to help teach children the proper way to brush.

But all these products won’t work unless we use them. Regular brushing and flossing are part of good dental hygiene.

Need to Know
Ask your doctor about choosing the right oral care products for your needs. You might need an extra soft brush, toothpaste for sensitive teeth or other products to make your dental care routine complete. And remember to floss daily. It's important for your overall health.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cavities/Tooth Decay Symptoms

By Mayo Clinic staff The signs and symptoms of cavities and tooth decay vary depending on their extent and location. When a cavity is just beginning, you may not have any symptoms at all. But your dentist may be able to see that decay is starting and recommend steps to keep it from getting worse.
As the decay gets larger, it may cause such signs and symptoms as:
  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet, hot or cold
  • Visible holes or pits in your teeth
  • Pain when you bite down
  • Pus around a tooth, especially when you press on your gums
When to see a dentist
You may not be aware that a cavity is forming, so visiting your dentist regularly is your best protection against cavities and tooth decay. If you experience toothache or mouth pain — common telltale signs of cavities — see your dentist as soon as possible.
If a cavity is treated before it starts causing pain, you probably won't need extensive treatment. That's why it's important to have regular dental checkups and cleanings even when your mouth feels fine. By the time you notice symptoms, the damage is getting worse.