Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dental Services

A visit to the dentist's office isn't just about checking for cavities anymore, there have been incredible advancements in the field of dentistry, and we have responded by expanding our range of custom dental care services to suit your needs.

At our dental office, our dentists are always at the forefront of the latest research in dentistry and use the most up-to-date methods and technology to help our patients' achieve their desired smiles. At David J. Novak Dentistry, we frequently perform a wide variety of general dental procedures, so you can rest assured that yours will be performed by a skilled and experienced dentist. With an arsenal of state-of-the-art equipment and an expert multidisciplinary staff dedicated to your dental health, our dental clinic is in a unique position to offer best-in-class dental care.

Dr. Novak provides the following dental services:
(click on a service below to learn more)
Call our friendly dental staff today at 336-223-3400 to get an appointment scheduled with our experienced dentist!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dental Crowns

Depending on the type of treatment you have received for your dental problem, it might be necessary to:
  • Have your tooth restored to its original size and shape
  • Supply additional physical support for the treated tooth
  • Get a complete "makeover" on the affected tooth
For cases like these, a crown is the most logical option.

While inlays and outlays cover the chewing surface of the tooth and fillings fill in the empty interior space of the tooth, crowns completely cover every visible part of the tooth - which is why they are sometimes referred to as "caps." A part of your tooth remains but is essentially "rebuilt" to resemble the tooth at its exterior best.

While porcelain crowns certainly can improve the look of a tooth or multiple teeth, it is recommended only in conjunction with prior repair of the tooth - not simply for cosmetic purposes.

For more information or to receive a free consultation, please contact us today at 336-223-3400.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teeth Whitening

Many people associate professional teeth whitening with movie stars and brides - but in fact, it is the most popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry.

Stained or discolored teeth are very common among adults of all ages, and come from a variety of sources, such as:
  • Coffee
  • Red wine
  • Soda
  • Tea
  • Tobacco
  • Some medications

Those of us with stained teeth tend to brush more vigorously; this can remove the enamel from your teeth, causing further discoloration and serious dental problems. Others use over-the-counter whitening kits, but they don't have the prescription strength and lasting effects of a professional teeth-whitening procedure.

The key to a long lasting, bright, white smile is to have them whitened by a cosmetic dentist before discoloration becomes too severe. Whether you choose an in-office or at-home procedure, you can be sure to receive solid advice, professional care, and a smile that will knock their socks off!

For a beautiful new smile call Dr. David Novak DDS today.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Teeth Cleaning

We all know that good oral hygiene keeps your teeth looking clean and shiny, but did you know that it's also essential to your overall health? It's true, poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, heart disease, stroke, and even diabetes.

That's why dentists recommend that teeth be cleaned professionally twice a year. Teeth cleaning is the removal of dental plaque and tartar in order to prevent cavities, gingivitis and gum disease. The average dental cleaning is a routine procedure that is rarely painful and takes 30 to 45 minutes.

At Dr. David Novak DDS, we specialize in and frequently perform a variety of dental cleaning procedures, from scaling to whitening, so you can rest assured that yours will be performed by a skilled and experienced dental professional.

We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of quality in all dental procedures to ensure our clients' complete satisfaction. Using state-of-the-art dental technology, we have improved thousands of smiles, and we want to do the same for you.

To schedule an appointment or a consultation, please contact us today at 336-223-3400.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dental Fillings

For over 150 years, cavities were filled with a mixture of metals, including silver and mercury. It was perfectly normal to see dark grey areas in someone's mouth when they laughed.

But today, you can get your cavities, as well as any other smaller hollow areas in your teeth, filled with composite fillings. Composite fillings are made from resins that are matched to your tooth's color - so they become invisible when applied.
  • Composite fillings also provide an excellent seal on the affected area, so that tooth decay can be prevented. The factors that go into our decision to use composite fillings include:
  • The size of the area that needs to be filled
  • The location of the affected area in the mouth (i.e., a tooth that is heavily relied on for chewing)
  • Allergies the patient might have
  • The preference of the patient regarding the use of metals in the mouth
  • Whether it is necessary cosmetically to have a tooth-colored filling
If you are unsure about the type of filling to use, schedule an appointment today at 336-223-3400 for a consultation.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dental Bridges

Having one or more missing teeth can have a serious effect not only on your smile, but also on your dental health. Specifically, missing teeth can cause: A shift in the alignment of your teeth
  • Increased risk of periodontal disease
  • Increased risk of tooth decay
  • Loss of adjacent teeth
  • Speech disorders
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)

What Are Dental Bridges?

Like dental implants, dental bridges are used to replace a missing tooth, except bridges are supported by the teeth on either side called abutment teeth.

What Are the Benefits of Bridges?

Like many cosmetic dental procedures, placing bridges also serves a restorative purpose. A dental bridge will improve your ability to chew and speak as well as your smile. In a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, dental bridges were shown to dramatically reduce the risk of losing teeth that are adjacent to a missing tooth. In addition, dental bridges can help keep your jaw and face from changing shape, as they tend to do when a person has missing teeth.

What Types of Bridges Are There?
  • Cantilever bridges are used to replace a tooth that does not have supporting teeth on both sides of the affected area.
  • Maryland bonded bridges include artificial teeth and gums, and are held in place by a metal frame.
  • Traditional bridges are the most common, and literally bridge the gap of an empty tooth space by securing a false tooth using crowns on the teeth on either side.
How Are Dental Bridges Placed?

The procedure of installing a dental bridge is typically completed in two visits. First, your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for a dental bridge. If you are, your teeth will need to be prepared by reshaping or reconstructing any badly decayed or damaged areas. Afterward, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth, which is then sent off to a lab where it is cast into a mold, and give you a temporary bridge to wear. On your second visit, this mold will be fitted to your teeth, and any necessary corrections or adjustments will be made on that same visit.

To find out more about bridges or to schedule an appointment, call Dr. David Novak DDS today!