Friday, May 18, 2012

MYTH: There is no need in taking care about the teeth of my baby because in some years they are going to fall out

This is absolutely wrong from a variety of perspectives. First of all, if you do not take care about premature teeth, they may fall out before the time and cause problems with bite or improper development of your child’s permanent teeth. Besides, it is necessary to start educating your children to maintain good dental and oral hygiene since early childhood.

Monday, May 14, 2012

MYTH: It is not harmful to whiten your teeth with usual sodium bicarbonate

It is, actually, very harmful, because sodium bicarbonate we use for baking has very strong abrasive effects. If you want to whiten your teeth in an easy way, use special whitening toothpastes with bicarbonate. Such toothpastes contain much smaller particles of bicarbonate and they do not damage teeth that much.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

MYTH: Teeth whitening is harmful as it can damage the enamel

Modern methods of teeth whitening, including laser teeth whitening or Air Flow technique, have minimal harmful effects. Nevertheless, one must remember that teeth whitening can not be recommended for many people, especially for those who has sensitive teeth, problematic enamel, underdeveloped tooth tissues, as well as for pregnant and nursing women.

Monday, May 7, 2012

MYTH: Eating a lot of chocolate brings to tooth decay

No, it does not, but if you do not brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth every time after eating chocolate, you are at much higher risk to get tooth decay.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

MYTH: It is better to treat a decaying tooth rather then opt for removing it

Before making a decision whether to continue treatment or remove an aching tooth you have to consult a qualified dental professional and, possibly, ask for the opinion of several specialists. Sometimes, even totally decayed tooth can be restored, and, at the same time, there are situations when even a healthy looking tooth must be extracted.